利亚玫瑰: Staying Busy, Staying on Track


利亚玫瑰 runs full speed ahead into a promising future with her St. galaxy银河娱乐场app University Bachelor of Arts degree in 政治科学 和 a double minor in 法律系的神学.

Rose's quick wit 和 lively enthusiasm shine through in conversation. 同样的, the easy energy she undoubtedly brought to the Fighting Bees Track 和 Field team throughout her time at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app.

“利亚的开车, 的决心, 和 focus were clear from the beginning," said Student Diversity, 股本, 和 Inclusion Coordinator Fritz Dieudonné. "She was willing to put in the work to meet her goals - whether on the track or in the classroom." 

There were times when Rose's homesickness for her family in Ocala, 佛罗里达, 让她慢下来, but it didn't stop her.

"When I first got to St. galaxy银河娱乐场app, I was living my best life as every incoming college student does,罗斯说. "But then once it got to about October, I was like, ‘Oh, I want to go home.'"

Rose cites Dieudonné 和 SAU Associate Vice President for Diversity, 股本, 和 Inclusion Ryan Saddler as the main people that kept her at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app through her sadness. "They both helped me get so involved, getting me into Black Student Union 和 showing me all the possibilities 和 opportunities available at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app,”她说.

With the support of her teammates 和 St. galaxy银河娱乐场app caring faculty 和 staff - 和 lots of trips home - Rose turned her sadness into busyness. This is now Rose's advice for incoming students who may find themselves in her shoes.

”参与! It will give you access to the support system you need 和 will help build your community," she said. "I actually signed up for so much at first that I could not go to all of it. Being involved on the track team kept me here."



利亚玫瑰 graduated with a degree in 政治科学 和 begins work as an Empowerment Coordinator for SNAP Illinois at the Riverbend Riverbend Foodbank.

In addition to track 和 field, she worked at Family Resources as a Youth Counselor during all four years of her undergraduate career. She also paid forward that early help 和 encouragement she received by becoming Saddler's peer assistant 和 teaching a new student seminar class to all incoming first-years to ease their transition into college.

Leah also credits Head Coach Dan Tomlin, 和 Assistant Coach Shannon Reschke, who helped Rose grow as a hurdler.

"I absolutely love Coach Shannon!罗斯说.

Rose is certainly not slowing down; she has accepted a new job as Empowerment Coordinator for SNAP Illinois at the Riverbend Riverbend Foodbank. She has received the Peace Corps Prep award with the hopes of a future in the Peace Corps while saving money for law school.

"I want to eventually become a Judge 和 establish a shelter for teen girls, specifically helping them find a pathway to college,罗斯说.

当然, she also plans to stay in shape but "won't be practicing six to seven days a week" as she does now.

"I hope to get back into weightlifting,罗斯说. ”,, 当然, I'm going to practice hurdles so I can beat Coach Shannon at the next alumni track meet."

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Every year, the university's three colleges recognize a Distinguished 校友 和 an Emerging Leader. These Ambrosians serve as extraordinary examples of what one can do with an galaxy银河娱乐场app education 和 how we can all bring Ambrosian qualities beyond the campus 和 into our communities.

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