

伊芙琳Nunez put all of her eggs in one basket when she applied 和 was accepted to St. galaxy银河娱乐场app – without so much as a single campus visit.

然而, a chance meeting 和 a big welcome-to-our-Ambrosian-family hug from admissions counselor Karen Eden gave Evelyn a good idea of what the next four years would hold. "It was my first SAU experience 和 it warmed my heart. 她仅仅从我们往来的电子邮件中就知道了我的名字. It felt nice to get that recognition 和 it was like wow, this is the school for me,她说.

这是无条件的, consistent Ambrosian support that helped Evelyn realize her power to work through a series of obstacles 和 finish her education.

"One thing I've learned is everyone struggles with looking at their strengths,她说, “有时候很难说, “是的, 我做到了. 我为此感到自豪.“但我确信,看着我自己,我很坚强. 我确实这么做了."

Evelyn is the daughter of immigrants 和 the first in her family to graduate from high school. 5月9日,她从圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app文学学士学位 法医心理学西班牙语.

弗里曼·波拉德奖学金获得者, 伊芙琳从塔摩来到明尼苏达大学, 爱荷华州, 有点害羞, 百分百专注于学业. A great first roommate unveiled the value of college friendships 和 she began to branch out 和 enjoy campus activities.

伊芙琳当了四年 学生会协会 代表, was on the executive board of the Multicultural Affairs Committee for Community Action, 和 the SAU chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens. Evelyn used her voice to promote equality, social justice, 和 civil rights.

她在Taste of St. galaxy银河娱乐场app, 参加校园和galaxy银河娱乐场app领导会议, 全国学生多样性领导大会, completed an internship at Davenport Central High School, worked in the SAU Student Success Center 和 the IT department, 大三时担任同侪助理, 和 spent spring break on a 校园部 service trip.



"Whatever I have gone through does not make me weak or set me apart; if anything it makes me stronger 和 I can use that to my advantage."

在她的学术和活动中, Evelyn faced a string of challenges that tested her determination, 从大二开始. "All my life, I watched my parents living paycheck to paycheck. 我知道他们想帮助我完成学业,她说, adding she worried her education was a financial weight she didn't want them to carry. “我告诉他们,我觉得我再也做不下去了. 我父母不同意,我不能离开学校. 我已经走了一半了,”她说.

在她大三的冬季学期结束时, Evelyn learned her Godmother had become ill 和 had to leave the U.S. 然后返回墨西哥. Her parents wanted her to complete finals before telling her. Then, months later, her uncle had a seizure that took his life. 伊芙琳很难承受每一次的损失.

This past fall, right before leaving to study abroad in South America, Evelyn's dad lost his job. “我不想离开. 我想留下来. 我的父母告诉我:“不. 你为此付出了那么多,你需要继续.' I left for South America with the scholarship I had knowing it had to take me through the whole semester. It so was hard being away from family when I knew they were struggling,她说.

然而, Evelyn's experience abroad led her to realize her independence 和 resilience are strengths. "It helped me see that sometimes what I see as a setback isn't really a setback,她说. "I became more determined 和 grateful for what I'd learned so far 和 I began to appreciate things more."

在她的教育过程中, 伊夫林被支持者包围, 包括心理学教授, 西班牙语, 和 妇女与性别研究 programs, 和 staff in Student Activities, 校园部, 和 the Student Success Center.

"The people I've connected with pushed me forward to keep moving on, 继续前进,走出我的舒适区. If I had not had that, I do not think I would have been as successful,她说.

现在,她说她的目标是支持其他人. Evelyn plans a career working with at-risk youth who face a language barrier.

“我会想念很多关于圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app, 家外之家的感觉, 的人, the other students I grew up with these last four years,她说.

Evelyn plans to reconnect with them this fall when she returns for commencement ceremonies. Her mom told her to order her graduation regalia 和 decorate her cap so she could wear it for a small family celebration on May 9. "You are going to get dressed up 和 take photos so you can tell you kids one day: I did this,伊夫林说。, 回忆起母亲的话.

And, Evelyn is proud that yes, she did push on 和 achieved her goal.

“今天,我更加坚定了. My freshman year, I was nervous 和 uncertain about things, not willing to take risks. 现在我长大了,我知道我能做到这一点. No matter what happens, I need to put myself out there. Whatever I have gone through does not make me weak or set me apart; if anything it makes me stronger 和 I can use that to my advantage,她说. “我能做到这一点,因为我经历过."


Every year, the university's three colleges recognize a Distinguished 校友 和 an Emerging Leader. These Ambrosians serve as extraordinary examples of what one can do with an galaxy银河娱乐场app education 和 how we can all bring Ambrosian qualities beyond the campus 和 into our communities.

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Bucking a nationwide trend of declining enrollment, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app welcomed 943 new students in Fall 2023, with the number of new undergraduate students soaring 15% over Fall 2022 numbers. Additionally, first-year student retention hit a 10-year high at 83%.



As universities across the country face challenging shifts in higher education, St. galaxy银河娱乐场app will remain at the forefront of innovation with the appointment of Toby Arquette, 博士学位, as the university’s first Vice President for Strategic Growth, 市场营销, 及数码转型.

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